Hol. H.W. Class 10

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ENGLISH: 1) Read the Novel “The Story of My Life’ and write a book review or PPT under following


  1. Title of the book
  2. About the author
  3. About Main characters
  4. Summary
  5. Character you admired most
  6. Theme

2) Learn the given topics (in the class) of public speaking (for 2 to 2.5 min.) to speak in the Morning Assembly.

MATHS:  – 1) Make a Project on Contribution & Life History of any one of the following Indian Mathematician’s life: 1) Aryabhatt      2)Mahaviracharya         3)Bhaskaracharya   

      Use 4-6 comment sheets for project & compile them in a file.

      2) Solve MCQ’s of Pg. nos. 38, 39, 40 & ex. 2a (Pg. no. 51) from R.S.Agarwal. Do it in Maths C.W. Note-book.


        Chemistry: Do the given worksheet (in the class work copy)

        Physics:  1) Make a simple electric circuit by combining a battery, a LED& a switch.

         2)  Also do the given sheet.

       Biology:  1) Complete the work-sheet in your class-work notebook.

                       2) Draw well labeled diagrams of the following on drawing sheets:

a)      Human Alimentary Canal( NCERT Figure 6.6)

b)      Human Respiratory System( NCERT Figure 6.9)

c)      Schematic Sectional View Of Human Heart( NCERT Figure 6.10)

d)     Human Excretory System ( NCERT Figure 6.13)

e)      Structure Of Nephron ( NCERT Figure 6.14)

f)       Structure Of Neuron ( NCERT Figure 7.1 a)

g)      Reflex Arc( NCERT Figure 7.2)

h)      Human Brain( NCERT Figure 7.3)


-   Draw one enlarged figure on one page.

-   Write functions of labelled parts

-    You can also colour them.

SOCIAL STUDIES:     In your scrap note-book, show the Classification of Soil or Classification of Resources.  It will be marked out of 10.

HINDI: कोई एक कविता या कहानी लिखें (अपने शब्दों में) जिसमें आपके सपनों का वर्णन हो। (कमेंट शीट पर)

समाचार पत्र पढें व बढ़ती हुई मँहगाई से संबन्धित चित्र लगाकर उस पर अपने विचार कमेंट शीट पर लिखें।                    

 _______________________­­­­HAPPY HOLIDAYS__________________________                       





CLASS- X (2016-17)

SUB: Chemistry                                   WORKSHEET          SUMMER HOLIDAY HOME-WORK

Answer the following questions in your class-work note-book-

  1. What is a Balanced Chemical Equation? Why should chemical equation be balanced?
  2. What do the symbols  ↓ and ↑ indicate in a balanced chemical equation?
  3. Give one example of a chemical reaction characterized by the change in temperature?
  4. What is a Precipitate? Give one example.
  5. What is the burning characteristic of Magnesium Ribbon?
  6. What is the valancy of Lead in Lead Nitrate?
  7.  What is the chemical formula of Quick Lime and name the product formed when reacts with water?
  8. What is the formula of crystalline Ferrous Sulphate?
  9. What is the other name of Ferrous Sulphate?

10.  Why decomposition reaction of water is called Electrolysis of Water?

11.  A solution of a substance  X is used for white washing  (a) name the substance X and write its formula

(b) Write the reaction of a substance X named in (a) above with water

12.  Identify the substance that are oxidized and the substance that are reduced in the reaction (a) 4Na +O2→2Na2O (b) CuO +H2→Cu + H2Owhat happens when Dilute Hydrochloric Acid is added to iron fillings?

13.  What does one mean by Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions? Give examples.

14.  Why respiration is is considered an Exothermic Reaction? Explain.

15.  Why do we apply paint on iron articles?

16.  Oil and food containing items are flushed with nitrogen. Why?

17.  Explain the following terms with examples of each  (a) Corrosion     (b) Rancidity

18.  Why do most articles become dull when exposed to air?

19.  How can you chemically remove the black coating of copper oxide?

20.  Name two Anti Oxidants which are usually added to fat and oil containing food?

(NOTE: This worksheet will be assessed in FA -2)    





CLASS- X (2016-17)

SUB: Physics                            WORKSHEET                      SUMMER HOLIDAY HOME-WORK

Answer the following questions in your class-work note-book-      

Q-1.State and derive Ohm’s Law.

Q-2.Define Electric Current and state its S.I. unit.

Q-3.A wire of resistance 27 Ω is tripled on itself. Find its new resistance.

Q-4.If the charge on an electron is 1.6 x 10-19 C, how many electrons should pass through a conductor in 1 sec. to constitute 1 A current?

Q-5.An Electric Iron draws a current of 3.4 A from the 220 V supply line. What current will this electric iron draw when connected to 110 V supply line?

Q-6.A piece of wire of resistance 20 Ω is drawn out that its length is increased to twice its length. Calculate the resistance of the wire in new situation.

Q-7.Calculate the resistance of an Aluminium cable of length 10 km and diameter 2.0 mm if the resistivity of Aluminium is 2.7 x 10-8Ω-m.

Q-8.Draw circuit symbols for-

(i)Variable resistance, (ii) a cell, (iii) an open switch, (iv) a battery of three cell.

Q-9.How much work is done in moving a charge of 2 C from a point at 118 V to a point at 128 V?

Q-10.What is meant by a conductor and insulator? Give two examples of each.

Q-11.Define 1 Volt.

Q-12.A electric bulb draws a current of 5.0 A for 10 minutes. Calculate the amount of charge that flows from the circuit.

Q-13.Potential difference between two points of a wire carrying 2 A current is 0.1 V. Calculate the resistance between these points.

Q-14.Two resistances X and Y are connected turn by turn (i) in parallel and, (ii) in series. In which case the resultant resistance will be less than either of the individual resistance?

Q-15.A resistance has a resistance of 176 Ω. How many of these resistors should be connected in parallel so that their combination draws a current of 5 A from a 220 V supply line?


_______________________­­­­HAPPY HOLIDAYS__________________________                       



CLASS: 10th     SUB: Biology (Summer Vacation Homework)          CH: Life Processes


a)      Questions should be attempted in a sequential manner and a line to be drawn after each question.

b)      Present your work neatly.

c)       Holiday Homework should be done in Bology Class-Work Notebook. It will be marked 10 in Internal Assessment of FA-2 Biology.


(A)          Villi

There are several thousand villi in every square centimetre of the lining of the small intestine. The cells in the lining of each villus have folds called microvilli on their outer surfaces. One of these cells is shown magnified in the diagram.

Explain the way in which the structure of the villus enables the products of digestion to be absorbed efficiently.

Mucus is produced by some cells in the lining of the stomach.
One function of mucus is to protect the lining of the small intestine against the action of certain chemicals.

(a) Give the name of one type of chemical present in the stomach which would otherwise damage the lining.

 (b) Suggest one other function of mucus produced in the small intestine.


(B) Chloroplasts

Photosynthesis is a process in which sunlight energy is used to make glucose. The site of photosynthesis is in the chloroplast - an organelle found in the leaves of green plants. The main functions of chloroplasts are to produce food (glucose) during photosynthesis, and to store food energy. Chloroplasts contain the pigment, chlorophyll. Chlorophyll absorbs most of the colors in the color spectrum, and reflects only green and yellow wavelengths of light. This is why we see leaves as green or yellow - because these colors are reflected into our eyes.

1. What is photosynthesis?

2. Where does photosynthesis occur?

3. What are chloroplasts and where are they found?

4. What are the two main functions of chloroplasts?

5. Why do most leaves appear green?

6. What is the primary pigment found in the chloroplast?

(C) Photosynthesis

Glucose is another name for sugar. The molecular formula for glucose in C6H12O6. Plants make sugar by using the energy from sunlight to transform CO2 from the air with water from the ground into glucose. This process, called photosynthesis, occurs in the chloroplast of the plant cell. During this process, oxygen (02) is created as a waste product and is released into the air for us to breath. The formula for photosynthesis is:

      C02 + H20 + sunlight  C6H1206 + 02

This formula says that carbon dioxide and water molecules are combined with the energy from sunlight to produce sugar and oxygen. The reactants in photosynthesis (what is used) are CO2, water and sun. The plant gets water from the ground through its roots. The plant collects carbon dioxide from the air. Much of the carbon dioxide comes from living organisms that exhale it, but some also comes from factory smokestacks and car fumes The products (what is made) are glucose and oxygen. The glucose produced is used by the plant for energy and growth. We also use this glucose by eating plants. The oxygen produced is released into the air for us to breath. Photosynthesis is essential for all life on earth, because it provides food and oxygen.

7. What is the formula for photosynthesis?

8. What three things are used to make glucose in photosynthesis?

9. Where does the water come from?

10. Where does the water enter the plant?

11. What are some sources of C02?

12. What type of energy does the plant use to convert C02 and H20 into sugar?

13. What is produced in photosynthesis?

14. What is the glucose used for?

15. What is the oxygen used for?




1. What are the five main stages of food processing in holozoic organisms?

2. There is a mechanical component to digestion.

Why is it preferable to break food items into smaller pieces? 
3. Name the main segments of the human digestive tract.
A. Oral Cavity
1. What is Mucus?
2. What enzyme is released into the oral cavity?
3. What is the substrate for this enzyme?

4. What do you mean by dental caries?

5. Suggest few methods to protect our teeth from dental caries.
B. Esophagus
1. What is the function of the Esophagus?
2. What type of muscle contraction moves the food through the Esophagus?
C. Stomach
1. What are the functions of the Stomach?
2. What substances are present in Gastric Juice?
3. What are the functions of the acid in Gastric Juice?
4. What is Pepsin?

5. What is the substrate for Pepsin and what are the products of its action?
6. Why doesn’t Pepsin destroy the cells of the stomach?
D. Small Intestine
1. What enzymes are involved in the digestion of carbohydrates?
2. What enzymes are involved in the digestion of proteins?
3. What enzyme is involved in the digestion of fats?
4. What is emulsification and why is it important?
5. What structures increase surface area for absorption of nutrients? 
6. Which substances are absorbed into the villus capillary system?
E. Large Intestine and general:
1. What are the main functions of the Large Intestine?

5. List three accessory digestive glands.

_______________________­­­­HAPPY HOLIDAYS__________________________                       


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