pink day at little champs -8th February 2015
‘Pink Day’
Little Champs
Thursday, 18thFebruary, 2015
Cotton candy, fat pink pigs,
Girls with socks and bows
P-i-n-k, p-i-n-k,
Bubble gums
are all pink too.
Pink icing and pink balloons,
Pink, pink, pink, give a wink.
Can you imagine a world withoutcolours? Nature itself is so colourfulthat it makes our world beautiful. Making the children understand their importance and teaching them to identify the myriad of colours becomes an important part of the curriculum for tiny tots. With this objective in mind ‘Pink Day’ was organised in the school by the Pre Primary section of the ‘Little Champs.
All our little ones as well as the teachers were dressed up in pink as a part of the celebrations. The day started with a blast of activities which included song and dance performancesand games played with pink balloons.
The day concluded on a happy note filled with excitement as the children received cones filled with pink cotton candy which they relished with joy and were delighted to carry return gifts home.